Businesses Recommended by Families from Thomas's Schools
Fine Art and Portrait Commissions
Arabella Dorman is an award winning, internationally renowned artist and one of Britain’s leading portrait painters. Working from her studio in Chelsea, she specialises in adult and children’s portrait commissions. In her own words, “Painting a portrait is to go on a thrilling and often very beautiful adventure with another person; there is nothing more exciting!”
Arabella enjoys a prominent reputation as a public speaker and fundraiser. She has been listed as one of BBC’s Top 100 Women and Salt Magazine’s 100 Most Inspiring Women, and has been winner of the Global Mosaic Award, Oman Masterpiece Award and short listed as winner of The Arts & Christianity Award.
Her humanitarian work has been profiled across national and international television, radio and print, including New York Times, BBC, CNN, Aljizeera, Radio 4, BBC World Service, and featured on the front cover of The Times, The Guardian and The Sunday Times Magazine
To read a blog written by Arabella click HERE
Directory Offer: 10% discount on children's portraits.
For more information visit: www.arabelladorman.com
Contact: E: portraits@arabelladorman.com M: 07702 177 064
"Her pictures are superb. Some bold and forthright in line and stroke, others sedate and still, in shadows. But all are spellbinding...” The Telegraph
“I am sure I shouldn't really say this but I do think the portrait is a masterpiece … sitting for the portrait was great fun and I looked forward to our sessions enormously.” Client
“Oh my goodness! It is so beautiful! I'm very very pleased with it – thank you so much!!” Client
"Thank you so much for producing such a beautiful portrait - and making the whole experience so enjoyable." Client
“The most talked-about contemporary artwork in London right now”
The New York Times (about Suspended)
pictures are superb. Some bold and forthright in line and stroke, others sedate
and still, in shadows.
But all are spellbinding...”
The Telegraph
"Your talk on Friday night was so moving and touched everyone who heard it. You are an excellent speaker and your images coupled with your words made a huge impression. Your talent is overwhelming."
"Thank you so much for coming to the Club to talk to us about your time in Afghanistan and the work that went into 'Before the Dawn'. There was scarcely a dry eye in the house when the film finished, before you even stood to talk. And I do know that some very battle-hardened individuals were mightily moved. "
"A simple email to say thank you for your remarkable talk and your even more remarkable work of Suspended which speaks for itself. I sat at the back in wonder of your talents and left hearing your tears and plea to look for the good in everything and everyone. Thank you for it."
"People see my personality and characteristic physical presence and like it very much. I am in awe of your talent"